Friday, July 16, 2010


Stories and Pictures by:
Ana (Montenegro), Arin (Ukraine), Christiana (Bulgaria), Diellza (Kosovo), and Elina (Ukraine)

Interview with Stanislava (Bulgaria)
-Do you like the fashion in AUBG camp?
Yes, I do. I like the fact that everybody has his own and different kind of dressing. People look nice and I can say that I definitely like the mode in the AUBG camp.

-Do you think that the women are more vain from the men?
Yes, absolutely! Women have different kinds of accessories, they like jewels and stuff like this. They can spend hours in front of the mirror making up them selves. They are always interested in the newest fashion in order to be modern.

-What is your style?
I like wearing different kinds of clothes but I most prefer the sports one because they make me feel comfortable. I also like official dresses because they make me feel more elegant.

-Do you imitate somebody?
No, I don’t. I have always my own style and I am really proud of this fact.

-The mode code with shoes today is comfortable. What do you prefer – high heels or trainers?
Well it is depending on something . If I need to go to an official dinner or some special event I ‘d prefer to put some high heels but if I go shop with friends I’ d prefer to put some trainers in order to feel more comfortable.

Interview with Goritza (Bulgaria)
-Which is your favorite color?
My favorite color is blue because I like the sea , I like the sky and people with blue eyes.

-Do you think that the mode and way you wear are very important and show to people who are you actually?
Yes, the style of clothes I wear is important for me. It shows what kind of person I am.

-Do you wear clothes with messages?
Yes, sometimes, depends what is the message.

-Which are your favorite clothes and when do you wear them?
My favorite clothes are jeans and T- shirts. I wear them almost always.

-How do you choose the clothes which you want buy?
First I watch the model and the color of the clothes. Than I try them on and if I like the way they fit on me I buy them.

"Camp Fashion" Group

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